
Pink Wing Pointer

Thursday 29 September 2016

Female: Ken Loach's Representation in 'I, Daniel Blake'

Ken Loach is a director of the social realism genre. His movies captures social realism through the eyes of the real life people in real life situations. They aren't really recognised by the mainstream market, however this film is available at the Big Screen Cinemas recieveing outstanding reviews:

The storylines he has crafted are stemmed from the stories that already of people lives. The actors he chooses also are the true representation of working call people as, for exmaple Daniel Blake played by Dave Johns is not an actor by occupation but a Stand up Comedian. This captures the comical element to the film effortlessly as his character keeps the upbeat theme going.

Furthermore Ken Loach's representation of his female characters is throughly thought through and decided. The single mum with two kids struggling for a place to live is showcased through an actress called Hayley Squires, who interview with BBC explains how she met with women who were in a mirror situation to her characters so she could engross herself into the characters full potential. The concept of "revenge eviction" when those to welfare are evicted after they complain about boilers or damp is the storyline of 'Katie's Life' (Hayley Squires) and surprisingly to see, Hayley embodies the character so throughly that she argues in the interview that "We are fed by the Media to look at those who need welfare as scum" when really they are just normal people that have had traumatic events or low income events alter their pathways, guving them no other choice but to seek help. So the representation of this female character although weak and vunerable in financial state is actually an accurate represetation of all those is this situation.

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